Aloe vera helpful for type 2 diabetes, prediabetes

Aloe vera supplements are all-around antidiabetic in in prediabetics and type 2 diabetics. For example, aloe vera supplements can reduce body weight, body fat, insulin resistance, blood sugar, and cholesterol, compared to placebo.6-9

Aloe vera juice is also effective. In diabetics, one tablespoon of aloe juice twice a day reduced blood sugar.10, 11

Interestingly, a single dose of oral aloe vera powder accelerated wound healing in type 2 diabetic rats (the rats had been deliberately injured for the experiment). Note that the powder was dissolved in water and consumed orally, not applied to the wound.12 This could, hypothetically, mean that aloe vera juice (or supplements) could be beneficial for diabetic foot ulcers, which are a serious complication of diabetes.

There are websites and other sources dedicated to cooking and preparing aloe vera for the purpose of eating it. One way is to buy aloe vera juice, or other pre-made, edible, aloe vera foods such as beverages or plant parts, from a health food store or super market. Just make sure they’re suitable to eat.

There are also products available online, such as:

Lily of the Desert, Aloe Vera Juice, Inner Fillet, 32 fl oz (946 ml)

Nature’s Way, Aloe Vera, Leaf Juice, 33.8 fl oz (1 Liter)

  1. Choi HC, Kim SJ, Son KY, Oh BJ, Cho BL. Metabolic effects of aloe vera gel complex in obese prediabetes and early non-treated diabetic patients: randomized controlled trial. Nutrition. Sep;29(9):1110-1114.
  2. Devaraj S, Yimam M, Brownell LA, Jialal I, Singh S, Jia Q. Effects of Aloe vera supplementation in subjects with prediabetes/metabolic syndrome. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. Feb;11(1):35-40.
  3. Huseini HF, Kianbakht S, Hajiaghaee R, Dabaghian FH. Anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hypercholesterolemic effects of Aloe vera leaf gel in hyperlipidemic type 2 diabetic patients: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Planta Med. Mar;78(4):311-316.
  4. Alinejad-Mofrad S, Foadoddini M, Saadatjoo SA, Shayesteh M. Improvement of glucose and lipid profile status with Aloe vera in pre-diabetic subjects: a randomized controlled-trial. J Diabetes Metab Disord.14:22.
  5. Yongchaiyudha S, Rungpitarangsi V, Bunyapraphatsara N, Chokechaijaroenporn O. Antidiabetic activity of Aloe vera L. juice. I. Clinical trial in new cases of diabetes mellitus. Phytomedicine. Nov 1996;3(3):241-243.
  6. Bunyapraphatsara N, Yongchaiyudha S, Rungpitarangsi V, Chokechaijaroenporn O. Antidiabetic activity of Aloe vera L. juice II. Clinical trial in diabetes mellitus patients in combination with glibenclamide. Phytomedicine. Nov 1996;3(3):245-248.
  7. Atiba A, Ueno H, Uzuka Y. The effect of aloe vera oral administration on cutaneous wound healing in type 2 diabetic rats. J Vet Med Sci. May;73(5):583-589.

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease and is not advice of any kind. Always see a medical doctor if you have a health problem.