Argan oil may benefit type 2 diabetics

Argan oil is an edible oil from argan nuts from the argan tree, that grows in Marocco and Algeria, for example. It is rich in unsaturated fats and antioxidants.

Research shows that argan oil can improve heart disease risk factors.

In one study, type 2 diabetics were randomly assigned to consume 5 teaspoons of argan oil with breakfast every day for 3 weeks, or a similar amount of butter. By the end of the study, the argan oil group had lower cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, and higher HDL cholesterol, whereas no changes were seen in the butter group. There was also a tendency for less inflammation in the argan oil group.13

Rodent studies showed that argan oil can reduce high blood pressure, and improve diabetes caused by overfeeding.14-16

Argan oil can be used as a substitute for saturated fats, or other oils.

When buying argan oil, make sure it’s edible, (also known as culinary). Argan oil is also sold as a skin care product, which should not be consumed.

You can buy culinary argan oil at (or health food stores, or stores that sell North American or Middle Eastern foods).

  1. Ould Mohamedou MM, Zouirech K, El Messal M, El Kebbaj MS, Chraibi A, Adlouni A. Argan Oil Exerts an Antiatherogenic Effect by Improving Lipids and Susceptibility of LDL to Oxidation in Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Int J Endocrinol.2011:747835.
  2. Samane S, Christon R, Dombrowski L, et al. Fish oil and argan oil intake differently modulate insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in a rat model of dietary-induced obesity. Metabolism. Jul 2009;58(7):909-919.
  3. Berrada Y, Settaf A, Baddouri K, Cherrah A, Hassar M. [Experimental evidence of an antihypertensive and hypocholesterolemic effect of oil of argan, Argania sideroxylon]. Therapie. May-Jun 2000;55(3):375-378.
  4. Sour S, Belarbi M, Sari N, Benammar CH, Baghdad CH, Visioli F. Argan oil reduces, in rats, the high fat diet-induced metabolic effects of obesity. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. Apr;25(4):382-387.

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease and is not advice of any kind. Always see a medical doctor if you have a health problem.